Photo Reason

「Photo Reason」是一档始于 2023 年的中文摄影播客,和一个以播客为中心的摄影品牌。目前,「Photo Reason」在小宇宙、Apple Podcast、Spotify 等平台及其他社交媒体上共计拥有超过 100,000 名订阅用户,是中文摄影播客类订阅量第一的频道。「Photo Reason」还拥有一个超过 5,000 人的活跃摄影社群。「Photo Reason」的播客节目提供涵盖大众摄影话题、深度摄影专题和高质量摄影访谈在内的广泛内容。



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Alec Soth

In March of 1992, I made a road trip down the Mississippi River with my future wife Rachel and our dog Tasha. We traveled from our home in Minneapolis to Memphis. Each night we'd hunt for a discreet place to park so that we could sleep in our van. We'd unload all of our bags and make a small bedroom. A decade later I would travel the Mississippi again for my first book, Sleeping by the Mississippi. This picture is like looking at the seed from which all of that work sprang.