Photo Reason

「Photo Reason」是一档始于 2023 年的中文摄影播客,和一个以播客为中心的摄影品牌。目前,「Photo Reason」在小宇宙、Apple Podcast、Spotify 等平台及其他社交媒体上共计拥有超过 100,000 名订阅用户,是中文摄影播客类订阅量第一的频道。「Photo Reason」还拥有一个超过 5,000 人的活跃摄影社群。「Photo Reason」的播客节目提供涵盖大众摄影话题、深度摄影专题和高质量摄影访谈在内的广泛内容。



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Jérôme Sessini

It was my first assignment abroad. I was a young freelancer for Gamma photo agency, and when I arrived at the Gamma offices, the bureau chief needed a photographer to travel to Albania immediately with some French Kosovar volunteers who planned to join fighters of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army). So, he asked me bluntly, 'You want to be a reporter? Are you ready to go now?' I replied that I needed time to organize the travel and my life. He walked away and came back with 30 rolls of film and 800 dollars, 'Now you're ready. Good luck. Call me when you are in Albania.' An hour later I was on my way, lost and scared. This photograph is one of the first I made the day I arrived in Tirana. I think it's an image that reflects my state of mind at that moment: chaotic, filled with doubt and fear. As a young photographer, I was very influenced by black-and-white photographers — especially Bruce Gilden and Mark Cohen — so I think that part of me was trying to copy them by introducing the maximum number of elements into the frame. Looking back, I realize how much my approach has changed, as I look to make photos better by subtraction rather than addition.