Photo Reason

「Photo Reason」是一档始于 2023 年的中文摄影播客,和一个以播客为中心的摄影品牌。目前,「Photo Reason」在小宇宙、Apple Podcast、Spotify 等平台及其他社交媒体上共计拥有超过 100,000 名订阅用户,是中文摄影播客类订阅量第一的频道。「Photo Reason」还拥有一个超过 5,000 人的活跃摄影社群。「Photo Reason」的播客节目提供涵盖大众摄影话题、深度摄影专题和高质量摄影访谈在内的广泛内容。



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Susan Meiselas

This image has always sparked a memory of reflection for me. It was the first time I felt a subject was using me to make the photograph they wanted so that their message could get out. It was taken in Masaya, Nicaragua just before the popular insurrection against the Somoza dictatorship took hold. The indigenous community used these traditional dance masks to protect their identity. They were practicing future attacks with homemade contact bombs. They simply wanted the world to know. The surprise for me was that it was used on the cover of The New York Times Magazine, my first ever in the media. I remain ambivalent about the performative in photography. I have never thought of myself as a portraitist, and still prefer to make connections through a process of immersion.